Yay! Mail art is back. Cutting up old journals is a great idea. I tossed a ton of my journals-of-my-20s--maybe I saved a few doodles and that's it. I had made some conscious decision at some point in my mid-20s to stop writing down every angst-y feeling that popped into my head (little did I know the Internet would come along, giving everyone, including me, a platform for those feelings). Reading through those early journals was VERY embarrassing and I didn't want to subject future generations to them, so out they went. I did save journals of the 90s--they seem more "balanced" overall, and contain some story ideas.
One thing I was really surprised to rediscover on going over old journals recently (we were probably doing this in tandem a couple months ago without realizing it), was that I was very, very serious about being a writer. I had multiple short-story ideas going on for a couple years, and I was sending out a lot of completed work and making note of my rejections (some hand-written notes on them that kept me from giving up), and filing things and being very driven and organized. What happened that changed that trajectory? Was it just giving up, or deciding to try later--probably just working full-time for low pay and survival taking over I think.
Anyway, there was a part of myself I had COMPLETELY buried in my subconscious. My writing side. I stopped journaling altogether for some time, but have picked it up again, along with doing art with you (hmm--interlinked). I still write ideas in journals so I won't forget. They get used for blogging, comics and our limping-along script. Which will be completed--I predict--or at least first-drafted this summer. It must be!
So we can get going on the second script.
Also: thank you for this collage and the nice window envelope. It's weird to have something of yours from a couple decades back when I distinctly remember your work from then. I remember this brown ink, and lovely drawings and your commitment to putting it all down on paper. A huge part of you in these little collages in the mail. The P.O. made some nice stamp-age on the envelope as well. This reminds me of you back in the day very much.
This teeny handwriting--you have such skill with miniature. I love your miniature still-life broaches--I have my bowl of lemons you gave me. Much talent. Much, much, much.