LOVE LOVE LOVE. Combination Dan Clowes/Dee See—so cool. Beautiful. And look—the P.O. stamped Luci's forehead with worry lines. Lord. This is supreme. Thank you. NOW what am I going to do?
Here's my face upon seeing this in the box yesterday (artist's rendering):
Pretty damn happy |
I wrote a little more yesterday about their first apartment. I read the party scene. That teddy bear incident—I do remember that. I remember you telling me about it afterward. It was like a nightmare. Love that line. I'm doing another read-through from beginning to...whatever we have and I'll be writing/editing as I go. More to come. Plus mail. Lord.
The worry lines complete the whole package! Gotta love the USPS for their sense of style and humor. I just might plan my next piece around those wavy lines.
It's the best, and that's saying a lot, considering all the great mail you've sent my way. Keith just stopped by my desk to admire your work. He said, "How did she do that so well? And in hardly any time?" I sad, "Talent! The kid's *loaded* with talent!"
I'm blushing! Too bad I can't do mail art for a living!
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