Thursday, August 30, 2012


Look at this marvelous mail art. With a zipper yet. How did you...? It's amazing. Hand-stitched address label. I can stuff it with shredded bills and make a little pillow out of it! Thank you—genius. And so homey.


Dee See said...

This took me a bit longer than I thought it would. Mt friend Jill is always on the lookout for vintage zippers and she gave me that one because it was too short for her project. I had some shirts lying around and voila, the installment was born! I realized while working on your address, etc., that I'm no seamstress.

Miss Lisa said...

Did you have an embroidery hoop? They're essential for anything this intricate. The zipper does remind me of zippers my Mom used to use for her projects long ago. She's quite a seamstress but I was always really bad at sewing. My fingers are too big maybe...? Lame excuse.

I did take a home ec class because everything else filled up one year in middle school. I did embroidery and patchwork. It gave me some appreciation for those crafts that I probably otherwise wouldn't have. Embroidery is kind of cool--all the different stitches. It can be pretty arty. And of course patchwork is amazing with all the traditional and newer patterns. Plus the always enjoyable "crazy quilt" aesthetic.

I know the work that went into this little fabric envelope--I love it.